Supporting you to teach English in Japan

Getting Started in Japan

Prior to arrival, ECC will fully sponsor and support your working visa application. We’ll also arrange housing to ensure a safe, reliable and convenient place to get your life in Japan off the ground.


No teaching experience? No problem. ECC’s paid core training lasts about two weeks and covers all the skills you need to manage both kids and adults classes with confidence.

Core training is only the beginning of our extensive support system. Trainers are available to help you troubleshoot, tweak and improve. Workshops also take place regularly to build new skills in areas like counseling, student behavior and cultural awareness.

Money Matters

ECC offers salary advances upon successful completion of core training to bridge the gap between arrival and your first payday.

Ready to tackle the Japanese tax system? Don’t worry, we’ll take care of that for you and handle all required social insurance deductions as well as income taxes throughout the year.

Social Insurance

All full-time employees are required to enroll in Japanese health and pension insurance (shakai hoken) and monthly premiums total about 35 000 yen for a first year teacher. ECC handles all the administration and automatically deducts these premiums from your monthly salary.

You have comprehensive health insurance in Japan that covers 70% of all medical costs, including doctor visits, prescription medications and dental care. A substantial portion of your pension contributions can also come back to you via a refund upon leaving Japan or, if choose to retire here, you can qualify for a state pension once you reach retirement age. All details are fully covered during your company orientation.

Ready to join us?

Head over to the apply page and let your journey begin.